Academic News

The award of the following Medals have been approved by the Board of Directors on April 7th, 2104:

Medal of Recognition

Medalha do ReconhecimentoReconhec_cobre

For their relevant contributuion to the activities and implementationof the Academy, Academics:

President of the General Assembly (2010-2014), José Godinho de Miranda – 3rd class;

President of the Fiscal Council, Nuno Pires Pombo, 3rd class

For the services rendered to the Academy as President of the Medals Selection Committee (2010-2103):

General Alexandre de Sousa Pinto, Presidente da Comissão Portuguesa de História Militar», 3rd class


Medal of Phalersitic Merit (2010-2103)

Medalha do Mérito Falerístico

The Medal rewards  works or articles published in the Academy’s Bulletin or in other publications revealing careful research, the tackling of inedit themes with relevant phaleristic interest and which for their quality stand above media.

José Vicente de Bragança e Paulo Jorge Estrela – A Falerística nas Relações Diplomáticas Luso-Francesas no I Império, «Pro Phalaris», # 1, 2010;

Paulo Estrela – A Real Ordem Militar de S. Bento de Aviz (1894-1910), «Pro Phalaris», # 4, 2011;

Humberto Nuno de Oliveira, Momo Cvijovic e Paulo Jorge Estrela – As Condecorações Portuguesas do Marechal Josíp Broz Tito, «Pro Phalaris», # 5, 2012

Humberto Nuno de Oliveira – As Condecorações do Corpo Nacional de Escutas no seu 90º Aniversário, «Pro Phalaris», # 7, 2013