Bulletin «Pro Phalaris»

The Academy’s periodical Bulletin – «Pro Phalaris», initially biannual – is intended as an element of liaison and communication between members and as a privileged platform of information about Phaleristic.

The Chairman (President of the Committee) is the director of the Bulletin and the Editor is the Academy’s Secretary, assisted by an editorship council.

The Bulletin is published in A4 format, with 36 pages, with fully colour illustrations, allowing the reproduction of medals and decorations in real size. In due time, the Editor hopes to be able to improve not only the graphic layout, but the quality of printing, the number of pages and the number of illustrations.

A regular collaboration of members will be essential to the quality and success of the Bulletin, either contributing with articles, the sending of news and the sharing of images (insignia, medals, portraits) and other documents relevant to the study of Phaleristic.

The Bulletin generally includes a lead article and two or three secondary articles, an Agenda with the Academy´s activities, a page dedicated to a single insignia, medal or decoration in the back cover, and also a heading – Iconographic Memoirs.

Other items will include reviews of Phaleristics books and magazines, news on auctions, fairs and other events of interest. Periodically, lists of newly admitted members will be also published.

Abstracts in English & French are be published in each issue on behalf of our correspondent members.

The first issue was published in September 2010, in time for the IV EuropeanMeeting of Phaleristic  Societies, which took place in Lisbon, on October, 21-24, 2010.

In this Website, a summary of each Bulletin contents will also be regularly published:

Summaries # 7-8 – 2013 (#8 will be published beginning of January, 2014)

Summaries # 5-6 – 2012

Summaries # 1-4 – 2010/2011

Past numbers of Bulletin «Pro Phalaris» can be obtained through the Academy’s Secretary (acd.faleristica@sapo.pt) or, from Livraria Ferin, Lisbon.

With # 8 we close vol. 1 of the Bulletin, and bindings with the Academy’s logo stamped on the cover will soon be available.